Contract Entry Checklist (for departments)

Request for Proposals (RFP)/Request for Qualified Suppliers (RFQ-S) Questionnaire

Request for Quote (RFQ) Questionnaire

Solicitation Evaluation Attestation Form (SEAF)

NCJ Form (for use with Contracts and Requisitions)

Information Technology Access & Protection Questionnaire

Revenue Questionnaire for Receivable Contracts

**Until further notice, you may submit your contract into the contract management system prior to receiving the completed questionnaire back from the Controller’s Office.  You will still need to submit a questionnaire but the contract review process can begin before the questionnaire’s approval.**

Standard Contract Forms:

Work-made-for hire contract (for UT communications):

Transaction based off of a cooperative agreement:

Transaction based off of a State-Wide Contract (SWC) from the state of TN, or based off TBR or LGI:

Transactions with other government agencies:

International transactions:

Internship transactions: